Addicted to a Dirty South Thug 2 Page 17
“A’ight, and I heard what you said about Tyrin. He’s being watched by the Feds right now, but soon as I get a chance, I’m a handle my business.”
“Make that nigga regret his decisions,” Khi said, and he and KaeDee slapped hands and hugged.
“I think I might know where I can find this cat Fariq at. He used to have a little shooting range out in Little Elm, so I’mma go out there,” I told them, and Khi shook his head.
“Nah, hold off on that. Them niggas got too much firepower to go at them without a plan. Just let me go sit down with Dae, and then, we can chop it up and handle it together. You can do me a favor though.”
“What’s that?”
“Cuba is at a hotel; the Hilton in Highland Park. I want her back at the spot I was holding them all at. Grab her, the kids, and get her situated for me.”
“A’ight I got you.”
We all slapped hands and hugged in the parking lot before we hopped in our rides and went our separate ways. I was glad that I had thought about this shit when I did. Now, I knew that everything was going to be straight. I was about to grab Cuba and get her right, and then, head home to lay up with my girl until it was time to get this shit squared away with Fariq.
I went to the hotel to grab Cuba only to find out that she wasn’t there. Khi had got in contact with her and found out that she’d taken a cab to Tangie’s to grab some of her clothes. Now I was rushing across town to get to her, because she hadn’t answered any of my or Khi’s phone calls after she had text him and told him where she was at. At this point, after all the mayhem that had gone down, and I ain’t know what to think. Fariq was probably camping out at Tangie’s spot and waiting on me to show up. I was sure that if he saw Cuba going into that apartment that he wouldn’t hesitate to take her out.
I swerved into the parking lot of the complex and looked around before I pulled into a parking spot. I ain’t see nothing out of the ordinary, but hell I didn’t see nothing out of the ordinary the last time either. I stayed with the bulletproof though and kept a couple tools on me too. Man, I was just trying to make it to the day that I had dreamed so much about. The day that I could walk out of lock up, lay up with my girl, and blow on some backwoods without a muthafuckin’ care in the world. That day was coming and shit, I just had to get there.
“Fuck you bitch! Yea, I fucked your sister. What the fuck you gonna do about it?” I heard someone say, as I stepped out of the car. I cocked back the hammer and held it down by my side. I hadn’t even noticed the two of them when I first pulled up, but Rue and Cuba were in the middle of the parking lot in a full blown argument.
“Bitch where the fuck is my kid?” Rue asked Cuba, as he grabbed her by her throat and slapped her across the face. Seeing this nigga had brought a smile to my face, because I knew that I was about to get a chance to redeem myself, and I wasn’t the type of nigga to pass up on too many opportunities.
Chapter 23
“Fuck you bitch! Yea, I fucked your sister. What the fuck you gonna do about it?” Rue yelled, and I rolled my eyes and tried to walk away. “Bitch, where the fuck is my kid?”
When I tried to walk away from him, he grabbed me by my throat and slapped me. I stumbled backwards as my hand went up to my face to touch the spot where Rue had struck me. I went to charge at the muthafucka, but stopped in my tracks. My eyes grew big as I watched Rue’s head practically explode in front of my face. His body dropped seconds later as he went crashing to the ground.
I started to scream at the top of my lungs as I turned around and took off running. The person that had shot Rue was after me, and I tried my hardest get to the stairs before they caught up with me. My heart ached as it slammed against my chest, and my stomach still cramped from the loss of my child. I didn’t get far, but the nigga had caught me and scooped me into his arms.
“Chill, chill, chill,” he told me, and for the first time, I had noticed Cassidy as he carried me up the stairs towards Tangie’s apartment. “Unlock the door.”
I hurried and stuck my key in the door and unlocked it. Cassidy pushed the door open and pulled me inside behind him. I watched as he locked both locks and walked over to the blind to peek out of them.
“Oh, my God,” I said, as I brought my hands up to my face. The realization of what I had just witnessed hit me like a ton of bricks. I started to panic as I began to pace back and forth through Tangie’s living room. “What if someone saw me with him? It’s the middle of the fuckin’ day, and you just killed him in broad daylight.”
“Do they got cameras over here?”
“No, I don’t think so, but then again, I don’t know.”
“If they ain’t got no muthafuckin’ cameras, then it don’t matter. People at work, and trust me, ain’t nobody gonna say shit.”
“You don’t know that,” I told Cassidy, as he peeked out of the blinds.
“I do know that I am not trying to go back to jail.”
“What the hell you gonna go to jail for? You ain’t pull the trigger, and shit, if they ever did question, tell them you was robbed, and the nigga got away.”
“You must be used to doing shit like this. I can’t believe you killed this man like it was nothing in the middle of the fuckin’ day!”
“Keep your damn voice down. Twelve just pulled up. And what the hell does it matter? You feeling bad about it or something? You gonna miss the nigga?”
“Fuck no. Fuck that nigga. Shit, I knew his time was coming. I just never thought I would be there to witness it.”
“Well, I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to take that nigga out. Plus, when I saw that nigga put his hands on you, I flipped. Khi would be proud,” Cassidy chuckled, and I shook my head and walked away. I went inside of the bathroom and grabbed a cold towel to put on my face. My skin was so hot and clammy that I felt like I was going to pass out. I knew I shouldn’t have brought my ass out of that hotel. I thought that I could grab some clothes really quick, get my babies from Khi’s mother’s house, and get back to the hotel before anyone even noticed I was gone.
I placed the cold towel to my face and walked into the bedroom to sit down for a minute. Once I felt my body cool down, I grabbed my cell phone and noticed that I had so many missed calls and texts from Khi that I was sure he was going crazy by now. I unlocked my phone and went straight to me and Khi’s conversation, and as soon as I read his last message to me, I could swear that my heart had literally stopped beating.
Khi: Bae your ass better be okay. I love the fuck outta you girl. Answer the phone or call me back. Cass is on his way to you.
I broke out into a smile, and I felt tears stinging my eyes. He had never told me that he loved me before, and although I felt like I was in love with him, I was too scared to be the first one to say it. I didn’t want to be the only in love, and I feared that if I had said it too soon, it would only make things more complicated between us. I hurried to text Khi back to let him know I was good. I couldn’t wait to tell this nigga bout his crazy ass brother, but I knew that had to wait. Just as I went to tell Khi that I had felt the same way about him, my phone rung with a FaceTime call from him.
“I love the fuck outta you too,” I told him the moment I answered his call. My smile was big as shit. I could feel it, but I didn’t try to hide it. I felt good. I felt happy. I wasn’t worried about anything. For that moment, none of what was going on outside of this bedroom even mattered.
“Oh yea, how much you love me girl? If you really loved a nigga, you would’ve combed your damn hair before you answered my call, or at least have a titty showing so I’ll have something else to pay attention to,” Khi said, and I laughed.
“Shut the hell up. You didn’t have a problem with my hair not being combed when you was pulling all on it and screaming like a lil’ bitch last night.”
“I wasn’t screaming like no bitch. Lies your ass tell. Man, where the hell my brother at? Did he hear that shit?”
I laughed as Khi’s fac
e turned serious. He was sitting in a dark blue chair with a white wall behind him, and I wondered where he was at. He was dressed down today only wearing a plain white shirt, and some gray sweats, with a pair of Jordan’s on his feet.
“He’s in the living room. Where are you?” I asked him.
“Came to see Dae real quick. I just had to hit you up man, cause when you told me you was at Tangie’s, and I couldn’t get a hold of you, I damn near lost it. Cass told me some shit did pop off so I’m glad you good.”
“He told you?” I asked, and he only nodded. “He told you everything?”
“Nah, just said that some shit got real, and he had to let that thang loose. That retarded ass nigga sent a voice recording talking about he think the Feds be watching his text, but everything was good, and he’ll see me later.”
I sighed. “I’m glad you’re there to see Dae.”
“Are you?”
“I am. Your brother needs you, and I’ve noticed that it’s been eating you away. You don’t have to worry about me saying anything. I’m hurt at what happened, but I won’t get into that.”
“I know. I know I ain’t gotta worry about you.”
“When am I going to see you?” I asked, and Khi bit down on his lip.
“Why you want some more or something? You know the doctor told us we supposed to be waiting six weeks, and shit, and you got us up in that thang fucking like newlyweds. I was scared I did some damage to the box babe. Maybe we need to wait so I can just climb in and get you pregnant again.”
“Because I want to make some things up to you.”
“Make what up to me?”
“For all my craziness and emotions. Coming at you about Briana and for not being patient with you when you told me to give you time. Fighting and arguing with you. Stressing you out even more.”
“Chmmp, nah. I should be making it up to you, baby. You was right. I should’ve never put either of us in that situation to have us fighting and arguing anyway. I ain’t gonna even lie; since I let them two go, I feel a whole lot better. I guess Selena’s ass was feeling guilty about everything, cause she text me and told me that she was hopping on a plane to go back to her mama and that I was never gonna see my daughter.”
“Damn, that’s fucked up. What are you gonna do?”
“I’ll worry about it later. But for now, I’m trying to see if you trying to do this thing forever,” Khi asked me, and I looked at him and smiled.
“What do you mean?”
“You trying to make this a forever thing between me and you, or are you gonna continue to run and play little girl games? Let me know so I know what my next move will be.”
“I’m trying to be with you forever.”
“So I expect you and the kids to be at the house when I come home.”
“When are you coming home?”
“Just know that I expect you there when I get there, a’ight?”
“But why do I feel like you don’t know if you’re gonna come home or not?”
“Baby, I went to see my pops today for the first time in a few years. Before I left there, he told me that he had dreamed that I ran off to Cuba with my kids and was the happiest I had ever been in life. He said that he was planning to reach out to me and tell me to let the game go and move to Cuba, but after he realized my woman’s name was Cuba, he knew what his dream meant. Anyway, baby, they calling my name to see Dae. I love you shawty.”
“I love you, too. See you later?” I asked, but Khi didn’t answer and just ended the call. I sighed and tried not to worry as I went back into the living room where Cassidy sat on the sofa rolling a blunt. “Police still out there.”
“Yep, we gonna be here for a while, so you might as well get comfortable,” Cassidy said, and I fell back onto the couch. I lay my head back against the sofa and tried to relax, but the thoughts that I had of Khi possibly not returning back to me had me feeling sick and uneasy. I figured I might as well smoke one with Cassidy and spend this time we had getting to know him. Anything to get my mind off the unknown.
Chapter 24
The C.O. had called the kid out for a visit, and I was hoping that it was KaeDee coming to let me know that he had taken care of everything. Man, the muthafuckin’ DA was trying railroad a nigga talking about they wanted me to do five to ten for them hoe ass murders. They had me fucked up, ‘cause I knew the only person that could say I was there was that bitch Cuba, and that was only because I told her I popped her trifling ass sister. He told me that he going to handle that and that he was gonna make sure that he got me out of here so I was just waiting.
I wanted to see my son…my real son. I laid in my cell every night dreaming of the day that I got to see him. Khi had better not gave me no problems either. I know he had him in his possession, but when I got out, I wanted my boy, and I wanted to raise him. I knew that I could be a good father to him, because I was one to DJ. I just was too fucked up from time to time. I made mistakes, but since I sat down and had time to think, I was ready to man up and do better. I just needed another chance to get shit right.
I wanted so bad to get shit right with the bruh Khi. That nigga was really in his feelings man, and I felt like I had lost him forever. That cut me deep, and I would never be all the way straight unless he and I got right. That bond me and that dude had was supposed to be unbreakable, but it was like when his bitch came through, he no longer wanted to put up with my shit. Deep down, even if Cuba didn’t stand in court and testify against me, I still low-key wanted that broad out the picture, ‘cause I knew that as long as she was around, things would never be the same for Khi and I. The girl had changed him from the time she walked into his life, and he was the only that hadn’t noticed.
When I walked out into the visitation room, I didn’t know how to feel when I saw Khi sitting at the table waiting for me. He was dressed down in some comfortable attire with real live serious look on his face. The kid looked at me and didn’t even show me no love. I sat down across from him and just stared into his face trying to see if I could figure out what was going on.
“You came to see me so something gotta be wrong. Is the bruhs Cassidy and KaeDee straight?” I asked, and Khi nodded. I sat back in my seat and waited for him to say something, but he never did. “Your girl cool?”
“Why the fuck wouldn’t she be?” Khi snapped, and I sucked my teeth. See what the fuck I was talking about. That hoe had that nigga eating out the palm of her hands. I was just checking on her dyke looking ass, and he was ready to bite my head off.
“Nigga, why the hell you here then? I know you ain’t come to get me out this bitch.” I said, and Khi went back to being his stubborn old self and not saying anything. For a few moments, we both sat there staring at each other until I finally just said fuck it. I ain’t wanna go back to my cell no time soon and since we had the time, I figured now was the time for me share everything that had been on my mind.
“Aye, I feel fucked up about the way I did Amber, bruh. Then, she in a fuckin’ wheelchair and shit. She ain’t even deserve that shit, and man I swear I be wanting to get at that nigga for that shit. Last time I did talk to her, when they was holding me out in Colorado, she ain’t even really want to talk to me. She tried to hang up on me and everything. I apologized to her, but she wasn’t trying to hear that. I don’t blame her though. She rode for the kid, and I drove her ass in the ground for it.
Taylana been holding it down though. I think she like three or four months along now. She be coming up here to see me, and I told her ass she was gonna get me killed, but she keeps talking about her brother don’t know. She wanna be with me, and I wouldn’t mind being with her,” I said, and I noticed how Khi’s eyes turned dark. I was just being honest though. I cared for Taylana a lot. I’ve always said that. She had just caught me at the wrong time, and I had snapped. Things were cool now with us. She had forgiven me and was wanting to move on with me, and I was just walking on eggshells with the whole situation.
“You kn
ow that time Mama and Pops had went to the 70’s block party and dropped us off at granny’s and told us to stay in the house. Cass and KaeDee was fucking with some hoes in the backyard that used to sneak over every time we came to granny’s, and you were going to the block party. I kept asking you to go, and you was like nah, cause you was just sneaking over there for a few minutes and coming right back. Emon was in the bed sleep with granny, so I just went in the room and played the damn PlayStation.
Uncle LeeRoy came in there with me, and we played a few games of Madden. He was telling me that I was being too loud so he needed to close the door. That was the first time that nigga had fucked with me. He told me that, if I didn’t play the kind of games that he wanted to play that he was going shoot mama and pops. He showed me gun and everything so shit, I told him I would play. I was scared, especially, when I realized what kinda games he wanted to play. First, he just used to take his dick out and play with himself, then it started getting to the point where he would make me start doing the shit for him,” I said, and I watched Khi start to fidget in his seat.
“The penetration didn’t come until about six months later I think it was. I remember the first time it happened ‘cause I cried and begged mama them not to take me to granny’s house that night. Mama told pops that day that I had been acting strange, and she wanted him to talk to me, but that nigga was going on and on about how she always wanted to baby me and Emon. I tried to tell them what was going on, but they wasn’t paying no attention.
When we got over granny’s house that night, LeeRoy waited until everybody was sleep and crept in the room and woke me up. I had told him I was gonna wake KD, and he raised his shirt to show me the pistol. I followed him in the room, and he started playing this gay ass porn and talking about he wanted me to do like that. I told him no. I was crying and panicking, and the nigga wouldn’t let me out his room. I just remember shitting and pissing on myself while that nigga covered my mouth and fucked me like a bitch. I was just a little boy bruh. That shit happened over and over again until I turned that pistol on his ass one day and fired it at him. I missed, but he got the message and left me alone. But I still dealt with that shit every muthafuckin’ day. I ain’t know if I was gay or straight because of that. I started fucking bitches as early as eleven just to prove to myself and the world that I wasn’t no faggot. That’s how me and Amber started fucking around so early man. Every time I thought about LeeRoy, I was sticking my dick in something trying get them thoughts out my head. Then, we moved in with that nigga. Man, I must’ve went crazy.”